The objective was to reduce poverty and foster, secure and sustainable livelihoods for those living in the province’s 43 poorest and most marginal communes. These communes are also home to the large majority of Quang Ngai province’s ethnic minority population. The program was also designed to help disseminate lessons from Quang Ngai which may assist the Government of Vietnam and its program partners in the delivery of P-135- II nationally.
In September 2008, GHD was appointed to provide technical assistance to the Implementation Support for Program (ISP) 135 Phase II (P-135-II) in Quang Ngai Province, Central Vietnam. This program was managed and implemented by the Quang Ngai Provincial Government. The ISP supported the delivery of P-135-II through strategic activities such as planning assistance, training and capacity building and monitoring and evaluation at all levels (province, district, commune and local community).