In the Shan Protection and Livelihoods Program (SPLP), villages in Northern Shan State, World Concern Myanmar and local churches will work together to help protect families and livelihoods.
In regards to protection, this means 1) helping families understand the importance and process of getting legal documents; 2) help children go to pre-school, primary and secondary school, and 3) help communities have awareness on child-protection, safe migration and trafficking. Many children and people lack official identification which makes it difficult to attend school, go abroad legally and find jobs. Work migration (abroad) among youth is high but they lack proper information about trafficking dangers and safe migration. Many parents don't understand how harmful giving drugs to their child, getting their child out of school to work, and/or organizing their young daughters to marry is. Many of these harmful coping mechanisms are either related to the need for drugs or the need to get an income & food for the family.
Therefore, this project also focuses on livelihoods such as: (i) families having access to food, (ii) corn farmers having improved technical skills, and (iii) having improved business and financial skills.
Over 90% of farmers have switched to corn growing and both villagers and local partner organizations consistently mention support in corn growing as their key priority. Limited knowledge on corn cultivation, favorable financing options and market access are key issues.
Community meetings. Community awareness raising sessions on child protection. Awareness raising for youth on safe migration and prevention of trafficking. Train and coach involved volunteers. Capacity building. Provision of agricultural inputs. Training on crop rotation. Trainings on weed killer application.