Sep 30, 2016 - ... o will control big data in agriculture. The company that can dominate seed, soil and weather data and crunch new genomics information will inevitably gain control of global agricultura ...
Mar 10, 2016 - ... to optimize the land you have through data.” A wide range of sources, ranging from weather stations to infrared cameras, is used to gather data. This data, then, enables farmers to a ...
Nov 29, 2015 - ... nly to the Philippines among 160 countries in the scale of human losses from extreme weather events. A 2014 survey by Standard & Poor's, meanwhile, singled out the country's econom ...
Dec 9, 2016 - ... time interval. The use of a plant-based, real-time water demand indicator along with weatherforecasting and growth simulation model can help in predicting water demand at different sc ...