Apr 28, 2015 - The project's aims include the following: Promote activities for environmental protection by involving farmers in environmental protection; Improve the efficiency o ...
May 1, 2015 - ... activities aimed at improved extension, production, and marketing. Expected environmental benefits include the stabilization of shifting cultivation, improved hygiene, introdu ...
Jun 4, 2015 - ... inable (environmental and social) production/harvesting practices and reduce environmental impact of current production/harvesting practices (fishmeal in feed and over-harvesti ...
... t is to improve food security and nutrition through better natural resources management in Cambodia and Laos. The specific objectives are to transfer sustainable technologie ...
The project looked at a regional case study on oil palm planting materials and provided project management expertise. It employed the systems approach that used modeling and decision support tool ...
May 8, 2015 - ... prove the quality of physical environment for quality and safety by reducing environmental pollution and greenhouse gases from livestock waste in agricultural areas through inc ...
Apr 21, 2016 - ... diet--making it an indispensable protein source. Rural Cambodia faces great environmental challenges today including desertification, punishing droughts and climate change--pl ...
Jun 11, 2015 - The project aims to promote the sustainability of food and reduce poverty by promoting careful management of resources and securing agricultural products. natural resource management